#Laurie Thibaud
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keywestlou · 4 years ago
I discovered a winner last night. A new restaurant. Marylin’s at the far end of Grinnel across from the parking garage. Once Finnegan’s Wake.
Terri White was singing. I went to see Terri. Walked in the door and was shocked! The place was packed! People liking both Terri and the restaurant.
Short and sweet.
The food excellent. Not expensive. From $5 to $18. Meals more. I had fish and chips. Two large pieces of fish. Great fries. Cole slaw. $15. Could not finish. Too much food.
Happy Hour 1-7. 2 for 1. Top brands.
Staff cordial.
Atmosphere bright and cheery.
I will be returning.
Not done yet. It was like old home week. Everyone out for the first time. The room imbued with the Key West spirit.
Saw Terri obviously. Sat at the bar with Donna. Sally de Haven, Dr. Fred Covan, and Laurie Thibaud. Lynda and Bob Frechette back for a while. Bob recently up and about after some serious post surgery problems. Looked great. Lost 25 pounds. Sometimes there is an upside to an illness.
Ran into Aaron and Karen as I was walking to Marylin’s from the parking garage. Been a while. It was good to see them. They were on their way to somewhere else.
The House vote on the January 6 commission was impressive. All the Democrats voted for it. Thirty five Republicans crossed the aisle to join them.
The Senate votes today. Anticipated the Republicans will not support the commission. A disgrace!
Most Republicans in Washington are behaving like ignoramus thugs. Democracy/government not important. Winning is. Even if to the detriment of the nation.
The Senate Republican vote will oppose to protect Trump and Mc Carthy. It will keep Trump out of trouble for the moment re January 6. It will help Mc Carthy in his quest for the Speaker position.
Israel is over flexing its muscle. It is destroying an area and its people. Enough is enough.
Netanyahu over 10 years has become an almost despot. Definitely an authoritarian figure. He and Trump birds of a feather.
Netanyahu could also trigger a Middle East war. The Arab nations are not united in now wanting Israel destroyed. During the Trump era, Israel began doing business with many Arab nations.  The image portrayed is Israel is still hated. Not true. Money has a way of changing opinions, making enemies friends.
I get confused on occasion. What I am about to share is not reverse discrimination, but something akin to it. You get the feeling something is not right.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is now giving interviews “only to black or brown journalists.”
Only as to local journalists? National ones included? No one knows yet.
Enjoy your day!
  MARYLIN’S TERRIFIC was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
A President who enjoyed a morning shot of Old Grand-Dad? Harry Truman!
Key West. Truman rose at 5:30. His first breakfast consisted of orange juice and a shot of bourbon. Old Grand-Dad. Less frequently, Wild Turkey.
Then his walk along Key West streets.
When he returned to the Little White House, he completed his breakfast. An egg, slice of toast, slice of bacon, and glass of skim milk.
The same sequence in Washington. The orange juice with a shot of Old Grand-Dad upon rising. His walk. Followed by the one egg, a slice of toast, etc.
Sometimes the time of the walk was interrupted. On the occasions he had a full staff early morning breakfast meeting, he would walk in the evening.
Truman unapologetic about his morning drink. And the one or two he had in the evening while playing cards.
One of our greatest Presidents. A man who made major decisions affecting the whole world. Started his day with a shot of Old-Grand.
“Today’s the day!” It was! Finally after 15 years of searching. It was on this day in 1985 that Mel Fisher found the mother lode of the Spanish galleon Atocha.
God bless him, his family, and Key West!
I was out and about everywhere thursday evening.
First the Chart room. Lovely Tammy bartending.
Ran into Jean Thornton and Cori Convertino. First time Jean and I have been together during her present trip. Cori I had not seen in a while. Two interesting people. Intelligent.
After they left, I sat at the bar next to Rich. First time meeting. He is a fourth generation Conch. I was impressed.
He was in the Chart Room to visit Tammy. He knew her from the Bull and Whistle when she bartended there. We agreed she was an unusually nice person. Special.
Then I was off to Aqua to meet Mary.
Mary was late. About 45 minutes.
While I was waiting, one of Aqua’s drag shows began. I have not seen a drag show in 20 years.
While watching, Mary arrived. She had a drink while I watched the first 2 performers. Beauties. Looked liked women. Voices feminine. I was certain both females. Asked Mary each time. Each was a man.
We moved on to the Side Bar. Glad we did. Laurie Thibaud having a drink. Till I got sick, I guested on Laurie’s radio show thursday afternoons. I have yet to return.
Time to eat. La Trattoria.
Tiffany bartending. We have known each other 25 years. Amazing!
Last night it was me and the lesbian wives. I had dinner with Donna and Terri at Hogfish.
Jake the third member of their household. A big dog. Has to be walked every day. Donna has been doing it. Up early. Rush home from work. Whatever.
No more. Terri can now walk Jake. I asked her how she could see to pick up Jake’s poop. She had worked it out. She placed her walking stick tight to the side of his butt. He would not move. When finished, she merely bent down and it was there.
I keep learning from Terri…..The blind can see…..Necessity is the mother of invention.
A few political observations.
The Democratic Presidential candidates are almost as quiet as the Republicans re Trump’s beating up the 4 young Congresswomen of color. People of color make up the largest voting block in the U.S. The Democrats silence is deafening. If they do not speak up now, that voting block will not be there for the Democratic candidate in 2020.
Trump’s campaign war chest overfloweth. His spending for Facebook advertising exceeds the combined spending of the 24 Democratic candidates. Note it is not Trump’s money. He never spends his own. Probably comes from the major corporations and rich persons he has helped with the tax cut and deregulation.
William Crystal is a noted conservative. A black hearted Republican. This time he does not stand with his party’s Presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Crystal said on a talk show the other evening that Trump can lose the popular election by 5 million votes and still win the Presidency because of the electoral college.
He further indicated that it was the way Trump has aimed his campaign. Retain his roughly 40 percent die hards. Add a few more votes in certain states. And he would be reelected even having lost the popular vote by 5 million votes.
Today the biggest of Hemingway Days. The Running of the Bulls, finals of the Hemingway Look-a-Like contest, street band, and street feast. People, people, people.
The Running of the Bulls is at 1. The race begins at Sloppy Joe’s.
Everywhere I have gone in recent months, some persons have their lap tops out. My inquiring mind. What are you doing? Everyone is shopping. At Walmarts! I am then told how easy and much cheaper it is.
I tried Walmarts week. Signed up. Shopped. Order delivered in 2 days. No shipping cost because I spent over $35. Everything I ordered there.
I like the system. Not only because of the dollar savings, but also I do not have to carry heavy items home from Publix. A burden at my age. Several trips back and forth from the car to unload. Up front porch steps. Some bags heavy.
I am beat by the time I have everything in the house. I have to sit for a while before unpacking.
One complaint. I do not know where everything is on the Walmart site. They should have aisles so people eventually know where things are.
The U.S. Corps of Engineers is going to perform an investigation for unexploded artillery shells. Four wars involving the Fort. Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I and World War II. Over the years an unexploded shell has been found here and there.
The government moves as slowly as molasses. The request for the funding was made it 2008. Only approved now. If anything is found, it will remain a while. Funding applied for all over again with a long wait involved. At least 5 plus years more.
Just like hurricane relief. Funding has to be approved. Then allocated. Two separate steps. Each taking forever. There are Irma and Michael victims still waiting.
I feel better. I can tell by how I am writing. It was work for a while.
Enjoy your day!
            HARRY TRUMAN AND HIS MORNING SHOT OF OLD GRAND-DAD was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
Big week for celebrities visiting Key West.
Venus Williams and The Real Housewives of Orange County!
Venus’ visit especially noteworthy. Wednesday night, she, her boy friend and our own Laurie Thibaud sat together at Bobby’s Monkey Bar chatting, drinking and singing the evening away.
Lauri reports Venus and her boy friend very friendly to other customers and Venus a noteworthy singer.
Venus and friend are staying at Sunset Key.
Venus’ week began in Miami. She is reported to have danced “all night long” 2 nights in a row. All night means till 5 in the morning. Then shot down to Key West for a few days of sun and fun.
The Real Wives of Orange Country have been in Key West since wednesday. Flew to Miami. Drove Maserati convertibles down U.S. 1 to Key West.
They will be filming while in Key West.
Wednesday night found one of them at Bourbon Street Pub and 801. The “Original Gangsta” Vicki Gurvalson. The others remained in their hotel re-energizing. The ladies are booked into one of the new hotels on North Roosevelt Boulevard.
Bria Ansara was performing at Bourbon Street. Vicki and Bria got along famously. Took some selfies.
At some point early morning, Vicki moved across the street to 801.
Jeeps were rented for the ladies for thursday. Whatever the filming may be, it involves them driving Jeeps round town. They also visited some of Key West’s haunted homes.
The big event for today is attending a key lime pie eating contest. Where, I do not know.
An exciting few days! Venus and The Housewives!
I had my excitement yesterday afternoon when I guested on Lauri Thibaud’s radio show Party Time at 107.5 FM, WGAY FM. Laurie could not wait to share her evening with Venus Williams.
Thn to the Chart Room. Chatted with 4 men from the Portland, Oregon area. Fishermen. Came cross country to fish Key West waters.
Nice guys. We chatted about many things. One into politics as I am. Especially enjoyed his company.
They went out on Keys waters for the first time at 7 this morning.
A short article at page 3 of this morning’s Key West Citizen was titled: Pity The Fools Who Miss This Turtle’s Release.
Turtles loved in the Keys. Great concern for them. The Keys even has a Turtle Hospital in Marathon. A world wide reputation. Sick turtles are flown in from every where.
Mr. T ended up in the Turtle Hospital in early February. Mr. T a 200 pound adult male loggerhead sea turtle. Pretty sick.
He was discovered off  Tavernier. Floating. A fishing hook with trailing logged in his mouth. An endoscopy revealed Mr. T had a tear in one lung.
Mr. T was operated on. The hook removed and a blood patch applied to repair the lung tear.
Mr. T is ready to return wednesday to his home in the sea. He will be released tuesday at 3:30 on Sombrero Beach in Marathon. A couple hundred people will be there to see him off.
John Bolton is one of Trump’s henchmen. A war monger. Always looking to start a war.
Teddy Roosevelt said, “Walk softly and carry a big stick.” Adjusting the verbiage a bit to fit Bolton: “Walk ARROGANTLY and SWING a big stick.”
Kurt Nimmo recently wrote: “Bolton and the neocons now infesting the White House are all about war, mass murder, starvation, and the engineered immiseration of millions.”
Pompeo and Bolton are birds of a feather. They are looking for a war. Any war. Presently attempting to push the U.S. into one with Venezuela.
Trump generally acts in an adverse fashion. He is a bully. Uncaringly hurts people. An evil man.
It bothers me that few Republicans stand up to him. They seem more concerned with politics rather than doing the right thing.
John Kennedy quoted Edmund Burke in a speech: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
So true.
Republicans get off your asses! Do something. Do not permit Trump to continue going unbridled.
We fail to recognize the extent to which robots are taking over. In the very near future, significantly fewer human jobs will exist because robots will have replaced the workers. Government is failing us. There are few, if any, retraining programs as yet.
Robot use has developed even further than most are aware. Certain robots now decide who gets a job, continues working, or gets fired. With no human intervention!
Such robots primarily involved with low paid workers. Software and algorithms deciding who continues working.
Amazon.com already utilizing robots in such a fashion. The robot tracks the productivity of employees and regularly fires those who under perform, with next to no human intervention.
Another example involves industrial laundry services. Robots are used to track seconds in the pressing of a shirt.
Friday. Looking forward to tonight. Have nothing to do as yet.
Enjoy your day!
    CELEBRITIES VISITING KEY WEST was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
My love for Greece is well known.
Many Greeks are loyal readers of this blog. Love it!
Theo and Dina are such a couple. They live in a coastal community some where on the northwest side of Greece.
They are visiting Key West this week. We met last night.
Theo has been e-mailing me this past year, sending photos of the lovely Greek area he lives in. Each photo increasing my desire for another Greek visit.
Theo and Dina not strangers to the U.S. They have visited Key West often. Both are hooked! Key West has become their special place. Their goal to have a second home here.
Theo received part of his education in the U.S. A Doctorate from Northwestern. A mechanical engineer. Operates his own business in Greece.
Dina loves to dance. Especially to Cuban music. She has done so a several times already this week.
We spent a couple of hours together. Want to get together tomorrow night for the Great Sea Battle.
Ollie came in and joined us. Ollie the consummate Key West greeter. Ollie an engineer, also. Responsible for our sewer system.
He explained how busy he has been recently. The boat that hit the wires at a bridge near Fleming Key. I thought it caused only the electrical shutdown. Apparently certain of the wires, etc. had to do with sewage. He and his crew have been working diligently to resolve the problem.
Ollie’s consummate capabilities also include lover. He mentioned that 4 ladies had arrived in the afternoon to spend a few days with him. They came to the Chart Room looking for Ollie.
WOW! Beautiful!
I was invited to join them for dinner. Temptation great. Getting late for me, however.
Stopped first at the Blue Macaw on the way home. Terri singing. Enjoyed a drink with Donna.
I looked for Dave and Rhonda. I thought they might be at Blue Macaw to hear Terri sing. Hope to run into them before they leave.
One last stop. Publix. Cupboard bare again. Three small plastic bags of food. $77. Don’t know how families can afford to feed themselves. Cost of groceries similar at present to cost of gasoline. Ever creeping upward. Quietly. Slowly. The consumer never realizes until the total bill received.
Fun time this afternoon. Louis and Laurie Thibaud. I guest on her radio show Party Time from 4-5:30. We talk about whatever turns us on. The give and take terrific. Join us if you can. Radio station 107.5 FM, WGAY FM.
Tomorrow night, the Great Sea Battle. Recalls the birth of the Conch Republic. The Conch Republic Navy and Air Force always win.
I especially enjoy watching the Conch airplanes. Pre-World War II bi-planes. Open cockpits. The Conch’s bomb the Coast Guard vessels beneath them. The bombs rolls of unfurling toilet paper.
A sight to behold!
I cannot help it. I view Trump as arrogant and stupid. He has company. Certain people of Paris. One of the yellow vesters is upset re the $1 billion committed to help restore Notre Dame Cathedral. He was angry because the money was going to Notre Dame and not the poor. He said, “Humans should be more important than stones.”
The poor are not entitled to everything. They are entitled only to that which people want to give them. If people want to contribute to something else, so be it. It’s their money!
Joe Biden announced this morning his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for President. A great guy! A good man! I know him personally.
#MeToo has gone too far. The sexual abuse standard consistently lowered. Biden an example. He is no more a sexual deviate than I. His “problem” is his warmth.
Nicholas Kristol wrote today re Biden…..Best we look as carefully at his policies as at his propensity to hug.
I agree.
First the priests, now boy scout leaders.
Court documents indicate 7,819 scout troop leaders abused 12,254 scouts.
I always found it amusing how police would mark tires on a parked car with chalk. The purpose to determine if and when a car was parked over time.
My recollection on this goes back to my high school days. Some 65 years.
Someone recently decided to challenge the chalk method as the basis to issue an overtime parking ticket.
The case came before a Federal District Court. The Judge ruled the chalk marking on tires of parked cars violated the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. The Judge concluded the marking was comparable to entering property without a search warrant which has been illegal for many years.
I am always for Justice. However the cost of obtaining that Justice sometimes outweighs recognition of the right.
An overtime parking ticket is initially dealt with in a Traffic Court. Trial there first. Then application to a Federal Court for Constitutional review. An expensive step. In some jurisdictions, the litigant must first exhaust all State court procedures first. Making the Federal Court application even more expensive.
Whatever, Justice has been done. Someone did not care the cost. Only upholding his rights.
Good for him! Glad he could afford it!
Enjoy your day!
        THEO AND DINA VISITING was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
Trump is lucky Mueller was the Special Prosecutor. Mueller who operates by the book. Knows no deviation. Anyone else would have found a path to indict Trump.
Now the world will have to wait 2-4 years more to know if such will occur.
Winston Churchill’s words ring true here: “The end of the beginning.” The Trump investigation is nowhere at an end. Trump still has to deal with certain Congressional Committees, the Southern District of New York, and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.
Barr came out a two faced liar. He sold his soul for Trump. He went into the Attorney General’s job for the second time a man of respect. He has been tainted by Trump. Anyone who comes into contact with Trump comes out dirtied.
Obstruction big. Trump will perish on his own sword.
Though Trump not indicted, the Mueller Report stands as a brutal indictment of him. The Report does not “totally and completely exonerate” Trump as Trump and his attorneys would have you believe.
Sarah Sanders comes out an acknowledged liar. We always knew. Another who has been dirtied by Trump. Or perhaps herself. Her desire for fame and glory making her do whatever was necessary to attain her goals.
The preceding my initial thoughts. More to come.
Laurie Thibaud and I had a great 1.5 hours together yesterday. The show gets better each week. The show’s name should be Fun Time on the Airwaves.
Laurie does the radio show weekends on the street at the new Duval Mall.
She views the Mall a success. Bases her conclusion on those attending. More each weekend. Smiles on their faces. Laurie says the Mall gives Key Westers who rarely go out something enjoyable to do.
Then to the Chart Room. Mary came in. We chatted a while. Ended up having dinner at La Trattoria. Tiffany bartending.
I sat next to Dink. One of the most impressive people in Key West today. A local, a Conch. He knows everything about the Key West of yesterday. His Dad was Hemingway’s driver for 10 years.
An early night. I was home in bed at 9 watching television.
Passover today. Begins at sun down. An 8 day festival commemorating the emancipation of Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt.
I have been fortunate for years to be Donna’s guest at Seder. Tonight’s dinner. Not this year, however. Donna and her family are doing Seder in Detroit this year. I took Donna to the airport yesterday afternoon.
One impropriety leads to another. One violation of law leads to another.
The story. A civilian group is policing the southwest border. Specifically, the New Mexico portion. Called the United Constitutional Patriots. A white nationalist group.
Uniformed. Carrying guns. Tell migrants they are a part of the Border Patrol/helping the Border Patrol. The Border Patrol apparently welcomes their assistance.
I do not and you should not. A self proclaimed group. Militarized themselves. Carry weapons. Perform police duties.
The federal government should immediate put the group out of business. Arrest and charge them. Will not happen, however. Trump probably welcomes their support and assistance.
Note carefully that this type white nationalist group operates openly in one area now. If they get away with it, they will rapidly spread across our land.
We do not need this. Smother the operation in its infancy.
Proof of the group’s existence already in video form on the internet. They are proud of what they are doing, video themselves and spread what they are doing via the internet.
The measles epidemic in New York is heading for an appellate confrontation. Two weeks ago, a group of parents  asked a Rockland County Judge to remove the ruling that those non-vaccinated could not attend public places. Schools, malls, parks, etc. The Judge agreed with the parents saying it was improper for government to impose such a ban.
So the measle epidemic was left to spread in Rockland County.
Last week, New York’s Mayor de Blasio ordered mandatory measle vaccinations. Schools were closed. Parents went to court. This time unsuccessfully.
Justice Lawrence Knipel wrote in his opinion: “A fireman need not obtained informed consent of the owner before extinguishing a house fire…..Vaccination is known to extinguish the fire contagion.”
For Christians, today is Good Friday. The day Jesus was crucified.
There was a time before I became a fallen away Catholic that I would attend a 3 hour service in Church on Good Friday. Noon to 3. No more.
I wonder how many still do.
Enjoy your day!
MY OBSERVATIONS…..MUELLER REPORT was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
Today, one of love. Romance in the air. You feel it everywhere.
Not always the case, however. Valentine’s Day at its beginnings was one of debauchery. Down and dirty. Pain and sex.
The time well before the birth of Christ.
Known as the Feast of Lupercalia. Roman in origin. Some consider it to have been religious in nature. Its activities considered a purification of women.
An annual event. Held from 2/13 to 2/15 each year.
Men and women engaging physically. The women considerably younger than the men.
It began with the men bare assed. They sacrificed goats and dogs. Then removed the hides from the dead animals.
The ladies came into play at this point. Bare assed also. The men beating the women with the hides of the goats and dogs. Men and women alike drunk at this point.
The purpose of the beating with the skins was to make the young women fertile. So it was thought.
Following the beatings, the names of the women were thrown in  a jar. The men picked. Coupled with the woman whose name had been selected from the jar. Coupled for the rest of the feast. Longer if the match worked out.
Years later came the time of Caesar. Year wise around 40 B.C. The feast had become more sensitive. A time of genuine love and concern. The goats and dogs still killed. The women beaten with the hides, though not severely.
Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar begins during a Lupercalia.
Caesar’s wife Calpurnia had not been able to conceive. Marc Anthony is instructed by Caesar to strike his wife Calpurnia, in the hope she would be able to conceive.
Some three hundred years later in the third century A.D., 2 religious men named Valentine lived. One in Rome. The other elsewhere in Italy.
Claudius emperor at the time. He had both men executed on February 14, though in different years. The two Valentines eventually were canonized. Two St. Valentines. It is their day of death that we celebrate today as Valentine’s Day.
My yesterday began with some medical tests. Another tomorrow. A Cath scan.
Nothing serious involved. I hope! My blood pressure has been constant for 4 years. Parameters 120 over 70. All of a sudden this past month, off the chart. Averaging 155-165 top side and 80’s to 105 on the bottom.
I have an aortic valve problem. It has remained constant for several years. The Cath scan is to see if it has changed. Would answer the blood pressure problem.
There will be no blog again tomorrow because of the Cath scan.
Following yesterday’s tests, I went to Harpoon Harry’s for breakfast. Love their eggs! Going to sound foolish, but they taste fresh. The only way I can describe them.
Last night, a double header. First, a dinner meeting of the Sons and Daughters of Italy. Then rushed home to see the Syracuse/North Carolina State game. Better I had gone out and had a few drinks instead. Syracuse looked terrible! North Carolina destroyed Syracuse 73-58.
No one on the Syracuse team played well.
Staying with Syracuse a moment, the first football rankings for the new season were announced. Syracuse was listed #56. How??? We had a great year last year. Have several starters returning. Some great recruits.
I expect at least a top 20 team. Hopefully, a top 10 one.
Diana Millikan was to fly Delta out of Key West yesterday on her way home. Never left. The passengers were told the winds from the north were so strong that they could cause a large Delta jet to tip over sideways on the east/west runway.
She will try again today. Expects no problem.
Yesterday morning, the winds were terrific! I thought my umbrella was going to be blown inside out. The rain heavy. Like a prelude to a hurricane.
Larry Smith has taken on a steady gig. The Little Room Jazz Club has reopened with a full bar and food. Larry will be performing on a regular basis during Happy Hour.
The Wine Galley returns!
I close with my guest appearance on Laurie Thibaud’s radio show today. Four to 5:30. Station 107.5 FM, WGAY FM. Tune in. A fun time. Laurie and I chat well together.
Enjoy your day!
VALENTINE’S DAY…..DEBAUCHERY AND TWO SAINTS was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
Terri White 71!
A bunch of us are celebrating her birthday tonight at a special dinner.
Part of what turned out to be a busy morning for me yesterday included buying Terri a birthday present. Interesting experience. I rarely have shopped in my life. I did for Terri and the gift choice evolved as I went from store to store.
Wish the choice to be a surprise tonight. Ergo will not share the selection with you till tomorrow.
Yesterday morning busy. Began at 5 with blog. An early start because I knew I had several things to do. Paid for the early start later in the day when I became very tired. Resulted in me remaining in and early to bed last night.
My 5 am to noon consisted in the blog, blood work, coffee, a manicure, shopping for Terri, and lunch at Harpoon Harry’s.
A haircut at noon today. Lunch after probably at Fernand’s. Guest appearance on Laurie Thibaud’s radio show 4-5:30. Followed by Terri’s party.
Join Laurie and me on radio station 195.7 FM, WGAY FM. Interesting banter. Laurie’s first time as a radio show host. A natural!
Syracuse/Miami tonight at 8. I will probably miss the first half of the game. Syracuse a 9 point favorite.
Day 34 of the shutdown. You’re doing terrific Donald! You keep trying to destroy America. The country was insane when it elected you President!
Valentine’s Day around the corner. An old friend will not be with us this year. Sweethearts candy. The small hearts with love verbiage thereon. Like Love You, Bear Hug, Cutie Pie, and Ooh La La.
Strange. A recent study rated Sweethearts candy as the #1 Valentine’s candy for 2018.
As good as it sold, the company producing it for many years went out of business. I assume the company produced other sweets also. Necco went out of business in July.
Spangler Candy bought the “brand” in September. Spangler says it did not have time to gear up for this Valentine’s Day. However, Spangler guaranteed Sweethearts will be back in 2020.
Abortion discourse continues. Heatedly in this instance.
New York has legalized abortion till birth. Conditioned, however. Only allowed if the mother’s health is endangered or the fetus is not viable.
The Catholic Church is extremely upset. Threatening New York’s Governor Cuomo with everything, including excommunication.
I think the New York law correct. Based on personal experience.
It was 1964. My wife was into her fifth pregnancy. We already had 4 children in 4 years. It was year 5. On a sunday morning while we were in bed reading the newspapers, she began aborting. She was only 2-3 months pregnant at the time.
We were in the hospital. My wife in extreme pain. It seemed there was nothing they could give her to help.
Her OB told me she was aborting, the fetus was dead. Too many pregnancies back to back. I told him ok, go do what you have to do. He said he could do nothing till she pushed black tissue through her cervix. I did not understand. The fetus was dead, why wait for black tissue to be pushed out?
His answer simple. We were in a Catholic hospital and nothing could be done till there was definite proof the fetus was dead. Seeing the black tissue would be proof.
I went crazy. Probably overreacted. Thought my wife was going to die. I was arguing with the doctor. To no avail.
In due course whatever is done in these situations was done. Pieces of black tissue appeared. She underwent a D&C. Everything turned out ok.
Is there a Mafia mentality in the White House? Does one exist in the minds of “friends” of the White House?
These threats against Cohen’s family suggest a Tony Soprano Mafia mentality may have sneaked into our government.
Keep it up, Donald! You continue to set a good example.
I have been following Venezuela closely since Maduro came to power in 2013. I have written and spoke much concerning Maduro, his government and the Venezuelan people.
The last 4 years, it became obvious revolution was the only way to remove the Maduro yoke. Difficult to do. Maduro controls the Congress and the military. The generals are his. Graft and corruption making them rich.
Demonstrations began popping up in the streets. Grew to hundreds of thousands. Protest yes, fight no. The people were afraid to take arms against the government and army.
Maduro rigged his recent election.
A dissident Juan Guaido said he was taking over and appointed himself interim President. People in the streets cheered.
Trump immediately announced support of the “new” government. Maduro retaliated by giving all U.S. representatives 72 hours to get out of Venezuela. Trump said no, they are staying.
What next? Does the U.S. invade Venezuela? We need another war like a hole in the head. We are already engaged in 17 world wide.
Will Maduro remain in power? It depends on the military. If the army continues to support him, the interim President will go nowhere but to jail.
I suspect the generals will remain loyal to Maduro. Money talks.
Why Trump’s interest? I think oil. Venezuela has one of the largest oil reserves in the world.
Additionally, true revolution will not take place till the hundreds of thousands in the streets take to arms. As I have been reporting for several years, they want change but are not willing to fight for it. They fail to back their talk with action. Unless and until they do, Maduro will remain in power.
Donald in the meantime will have made another bad judgment move.
Enjoy your day!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TERRI was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
I seem to be on the other side of recent Key West City Commission decisions. This time re the Commission’s vote concerning sunscreens.
We know sunscreens containing certain blocks help prevent skin cancers. Sun bathers clothe themselves in such sunscreens. Wisely so.
Now comes a new concern. Those ingredients in sunscreens that keep the bad rays off our bodies are considered by some harmful to coral reefs. Key West has a major coral reef. A responsibility.
The 2 ingredients oxybenzone and octinoxate.
Not all experts agree that the named chemicals harm coral reefs. Opinion is divided.
Even if harmful, the issue arises as to which is more important: Human health or the coral reef.
Key West has decided on the side of the coral reef. Only 2 other places have so decided. Hawaii and Palau.
The Commission recently in it first vote voted 7-0 to ban sunscreens containing the 2 chemicals. The lopsided vote suggests the final vote early in February will likewise support the ban.
What of the up front important items affecting Key West not receiving prompt and better attention? Like condition of the roads, traffic, parking, bicycles, affordable housing, etc. Lots of talk. Little action.
The Commission moved rapidly re the sunscreen issue. It moves at a tortoise pace re other more immediate problems.
Another ocean problem.
It has been reported that the oceans had their highest recorded temperatures in years in 2018. A clear indication that global warm is accelerating at a faster rate than had been anticipated.
Greenhouse gas heat is absorbed by ocean waters. Some 93 percent. The increase in water temperature is a clear indication gas house emissions are rising. Faster than anticipated. Greenhouse emissions and water temperature interrelated.
Water temperature also a clear indication of climate change.Ocean temperature important to Key West. An island surrounded by water. Experts claim the warmer the water, the more intense hurricanes will be. Increased water temperature also destroys coral reefs and causes sea levels to rise.
Note the coral reef destruction. Water temperature a more significant cause of Key West’s coral reef problems? If the 2 chemical argument correct, it has to be insignificant when compared to the heat of water as a cause.
The Chart Room first last night. Charming Tammy bartending.
Ran into Cheryl and Robert. We laughed and joked through a couple of drinks. Dinner tonight together at Hot Tin Roof.
Ollie came in. Do not see him enough. A smart guy. Especially when it comes to environmental matters.
Then to the Blue Macaw. Terri singing. Did not want to miss her.
There to be entertained by Terri were Lynda and Bob Frechette, Joe and Andrea, and Angie. Donna showed up later. She had a meeting to attend first.
Angie and I spent some time together. An interesting woman. Remember to stop into her Crystals and and Coconuts store at 803 Whitehead.
My today out and about begins at 4 with Laurie Thibaud and her radio 107.5 FM talk show. We will chat about this and that. Entertaining. Informative. Join us.
A Comment to my Key West Lou blog this morning described Trump’s Attorney General nominee William Barr as a “ringer.” An apt description. I agree.
Barr is being foisted on the American public. His nomination an act of public deception.
I enjoyed the 1950’s. It was Eisenhower time. A fatherly type President who guided us wisely during his years in office.
They were years of growth for me. My high school, college and law school years.
Eisenhower spoke to the nation when he retired. He warned of the increasing power of the military-industrial complex. Warned of its growing influence.
He was correct. We all know it. Unfortunately, his words went unheeded.
Enjoy your day!
RIGHT OR WRONG? was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
Today, strictly Key West. So much to share re our lovely island.
The weather first. Only because the past 2 days found Key West undergoing a cold spell. Temperature at night in the low 60’s. Yesterday in the mid 60’s. I am writing this blog at 9:30 this morning. Temperature 63.
Heat on!
Today’s high 74 and low 69. Tomorrow, a return to normalcy.
Manicure and haircut yesterday. Followed by lunch at Fernandy’s. Sandy’s renamed indoor restaurant on White Street.
Four found me on Laurie Thibaud’s station 107.5 FM radio show. We chatted more than an hour. Topics included the government shutdown, people going without pay, female CEO’s, and Wounded Warriors.
Fun. Laurie was born to do the show.
Walked across the street following the show to the Chart Room.
A Christopher wrote several days ago that he was going to stop in the Chart Room every evening till he caught me. He wanted his copy of Irma and Me signed and share with me an Irma experience. I wanted to save him time. Told him meet me thursday at 6.
I was there from 5:30 to 7:30. No Christopher.
Enjoyed a most interesting conversation with Tim and Madison. Visiting from South Jersey. A young couple. Tim a farmer. By choice. Not a family business. He saw it as a business to get into. Raises soybeans, corn, and barley.
The tariff wars are killing him. He cannot sell at all. Nothing. Fortunately, he is able to store his crops. What they will bring when marketable again, he does not know.
Not a happy camper with Trump.
Madison is a physical therapist.
Both love Key West. Tim’s second visit, Madison’s first.
Joann and Dave in the Chart Room again. Met them the other night. Friends of Jean and Joe Thornton. The were waiting for Janine. The 3 were having dinner at Hot Tin Roof.
Joan and Dave are from New Hampshire. This their tenth year visiting. Stay at the Pier House each visit.
Stopped at Blue Macaw on the way home. Not many people. Cold!
Spent some time with Angie. A lovely person. Inside and out.
She is the proprietor of Crystals and Coconuts across the street at 803 Whitehead. Born in the Philippines. Moved to Japan. Somehow got to Key West.
Her store a place of beauty. She sells handmade treasures such as jewelry, painted coconuts, painted buoys, and other souvenirs. Some clothes. T shirts made from the softest fabric to be found. Fisherman wrap pants.
Angie’s store off the beaten track. If you can find Blue Macaw, you can find Coconuts and Crystals. Her store is across the street from Blue Macaw.
Key West is full of writers this weekend. Many highly skilled professionals. The annual Key West Literary Seminar began thursday and continues into sunday. Certain of the more famous writers will be doing readings.
A good place for writers new and old to meet and share thoughts.
The event is being held at the San Carlos on Duval.
The little bridge that connects Mallory Square to Margaritaville is closed. Under repair.
Two projects underway at one time. The Key West Aquarium suffered damage to its seawall as a result of Irma. Being attended to at the same time that the mooring dolphin which was damaged by a cruise ship is being repaired.
Simonton, Greene, Whitehead, and Fleming names of prominent Key West streets. Named after former owners of the whole of Key West.
The year 1829. Four men owned Key West. John Simonton, Pardon Greene, John Whitehead, and John Fleming. On January 11, 1829, the four entered into an agreement whereby the island was divided into 4 parts.
The last 2 days, the name Angie Aparo has come up. Made me wonder who he is. Turns out many regard him as a great unknown musician. He has been described as “the greatest musician you have never heard.”
A legend in certain circles.
He performed many years ago at Irish Kevin’s. He returns sunday to First Flight Island Restaurant.
My sense is there will be a large crowd.
New Irma information.
Irma resulted in a population drop. The University of Florida conducted a study. Discovered every key, city and unincorporated area lost local residents between 2017 and 2018.
The loss just under 3,000. Present number of inhabitants 73,940.
Tennessee Williams resided in Key West 30 plus years. His home 1 1/2 blocks from my daughter Lisa’s.
Williams is often quoted. One that fits right into today’s happenings: “The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that’s also a hypocrite.”
Me thinks Trump wears both shoes.
Tonight dinner with Jean and Joe Thornton at Berlin’s. My first visit since the new owners decided to prohibit smoking.
Enjoy your day!
STRICTLY A KEY WEST BLOG TODAY was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
A visitor yesterday. Per agreement, we met at Louie’s Backyard. We had a drink and chatted for 1.5 hours.
Her name Claudia Tenney.
Claudia from my hometown Utica. Mid 50’s. A lawyer. Her Dad was a State Supreme Court Justice. I tried many cases in front of him.
Claudia best described as an attorney, publisher and politician. Her political life began with her election to the New York State Assembly. She recently completed her second term as a member of Congress. Defeated. Taking time off. Visiting friends in Florida and elsewhere.
We had a most enjoyable conversation. The amusing part is we really did not know each other. We are a generation apart. Did not practice in similar fields. Did not socialize. My best recollection is the only time we spoke was when I congratulated her at her wedding reception.
After drinks at Louie’s, she left for the airport. Her next stop Washington to visit friends.
Hurried to Sons and Daughters of Italy dinner meeting afterwards.
The important part of the day came next. No disrespect to Claudia or the Sons and Daughters of Italy. The Syracuse/Clemson game. Scheduled to watch it with Don, Chris, Dan, Lisa, and John at Jack Flats. I hustled over to Jack Flats.
We were there saturday. The Syracuse game that day was blacked out. Same problem last night. I said screw this, good night to my friends, and went home. Where I was confident I could get the game on my home set.
I did. Syracuse defeated Clemson 61-53.
Jack Flats needs a new TV reception system.
A busy today. Manicure with Tammy later in the morning. Followed by lunch at Sandy’s. Then a haircut with Lori. The fuzz on top of my head growing.
At 4, I do a guest hour on radio station 107.5 FM with Laurie Thibaud. Always an interesting experience. Laurie and I do well together.
I am meeting a Christopher at 6 at the Chart Room. First time. A loyal blog reader. Visiting Key West. He has his copy of Irma and Me with him. He wants me to sign it.
I will probably finish my evening off at Blue Macaw.
Key West cold last night and today. Mid 60’s. I have the heat on.
Key West can correctly be described as the island of authors. Many great ones spent some portion of their lives here.
One, the famous Tennessee Williams.
On this day in 1969, Williams became a Roman Catholic. He was baptized at St. Mary of the Sea Church on Truman Ave.
I am into births for some reason.
Yesterday, I reported out of wedlock births in the U.S. today are at a 40 percent high. Compared to 10 percent in 1970.
Another bit of birth information. The U.S. birth rate is down. America is not making enough babies to replace ourselves.
Fertility numbers for 2017 interesting. Lower in every State. Color immaterial, except where there was an increase. Black numbers were up in 12 States, Hispanics in 29 States. In no State were White numbers up.
Word of advice to those who fear people of color are taking over in the U.S. Probably already have number wise. If not, definitely in 20 years. My recommendation if the situation is of concern to any whites…..Have more sex!
Some consider the new younger female members of Congress brazen and outspoken. I view them as a breath of fresh air. The windows of the Chamber have been opened.
Two new young ladies were recently criticized for words they spoke. Racida Tisb said, “Trump a motherfucker who should be impeached.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez answered “no question” when asked if Trump was a racist.
Complain not. They were merely saying out loud what many think.
The shutdown a disgrace. I continue to hold Trump responsible. When will it end? Democratic Senators have implemented a Senate rule which prohibits any bill being voted on till a shutdown vote takes place.
Donald picked the war. Donald will lose the war. As he has most if not all that he has instigated.
Another example of the President screwing things up is Syria. He said he was pulling U.S. troops out and would do so right away. Then realized he may have created a problem. The Turks would attack and destroy the Kurds.
Trump sent John Bolton to Turkey to talk with President Erdogan. Bolton wanted Turkey’s assurances they would not attack the Kurds if the U.S. pulled out.
Erdogan in effect said up yours. Don’t tell us who we can invade and who we cannot. We will fight our battles as we see fit. He backed up his position yesterday by announcing that if the U.S. pulls out of Turkey, he definitely would attack the Kurds.
A typical Donald Trump result.
Enjoy your day!
A VISITOR FROM ANOTHER TIME was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
What a game! Clemson destroyed Alabama 44-16. Destruction the proper description.
There is no joy in Mudville this morning!
I know many Alabama fans. No Clemson fans. Perhaps now there will be many Clemson fans.
I am sure my Alabama friends are despondent this morning. Poor Jean Thornton. She lives and breathes Alabama, her alma mater. David Hecth, also. He attended Alabama.
The Clemson quarterback Trevor Lawrence. Could not have played a better game. A pure freshman. Nineteen years old. Played high school football last year. Would you believe?
Clemson coach Dabo Swinney said it correctly: “Tonight we conquered a mountain that ain’t ever been conquered.”
My game plan was to watch the game with Jean Thornton at the former Irish restaurant on Duval near Truman. I forget its new name. Jean was having dinner first at Prime. I knew she would not get to the game on time. She wrote this morning that she did not make it till the beginning of the second half.
Decided to abandon Jean. Decided on Aqua’s Side Door. The Side Door’s TV screen almost the size of a movie screen. Could not get in. Ran into Laurie Thibaud. Aqua was closed to everyone except employees. Their Christmas party.
Decided to try the Chart Room. If it could get the game, I would watch it there.
Chart Room packed when I arrived. About an hour before game time. John bartending. Said he could get the game on both sets. No voice, however.
Chatted with a foursome from Cleveland. Had met them the night before. Affiliated in one fashion or another with Cleveland Clinic. Having a great time!
Ended up sitting at the bar next to Tom Sibbald. Mid 70’s. A Marco Island resident these days. His wife passed on last year. They had lived many years in Vail.
Nice guy. Enjoyed his company. We talked about everything.
The game began. Within minutes, everyone left. It was just John and me. The quiet of the Chart Room overwhelming. A new experience.
We watched the first half together.
I then decided to hurry home and watch the second half from my bed.
My podcast tonight at 9. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. The President is addressing the nation at 9. I can’t win!
Trump advised his appearance will be 7-8 minutes. Mine goes a half hour. Join me after you listen to the President. Unfortunately not having heard his talk, I will not be able to specifically criticize it.
Join my show at some point. I will be venting. About this, that and every thing. What ever concerns me at the moment. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.
I suspect Trump will lie tonight. Lies to justify a wall not needed.
The shutdown is beginning to be felt. I saw one federal employee crying this morning on TV because he needed his pay to simply take care of his family of 4. A check to check survival.
Trump does not care about him or anyone else. His concern is for his wall so he does not lose face with his followers.
I read this morning that those who receive food stamps will soon feel the crunch.
The Department of Agriculture is responsible for the food stamp program. They service 39 million people. Money will begin running out early in February. Then what?
I continue to be on the federal government’s ass for failing to do the necessary for hurricane and fire victims. Where is FEMA? Where are the federal funds? Trump goes on TV following each disaster and assures everyone the government will take care of them. He says, “There is enough money.”
I suspect there has never been enough money. Going back even to Katrina.
Michael did a number to Florida’s Panhandle. Some communities total destruction. Help continues on a very limited basis. Most communities small.
Marianna one such community. Seven thousand people. Hit directly by Michael. Looks like a nuclear bomb was dropped on the city. Federal assistance limited. Very much so. City Manager Jim Dean recently said, “The government is pulling out of rural America.”
Mr. President…..Screw the wall! Take care of your people!
A little Key West history. On this day in 1828, the Territorial Council passed an act incorporating Key West. Love it…..Territorial Council. Sounds like the Old West and Indians. Probably the same. Local Indians frequented Key West.
Note the word “frequented.” They came and used our little island as a dining place. Cooked, ate and left. They were cannibals.
Finally, Harry Truman.
Harry Truman loved Key West. Key West loves Harry Truman. Eleven visits to Key West totaling 175 days during his Presidency. This is the place he escaped to for rest and relaxation.
The Key West Truman knew was old and funky. Today, new and funky.
Truman once said, “If I hadn’t been President of the United States, I probably would have ended up a piano player in a bawdy house.”
Enjoy your day!
THERE IS NO JOY IN MUDVILLE….. was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
The Key West City Commission is sometimes like our esteemed President Donald Trump. Shoot from the hip. Know not that of which they speak.
Three local citizens came up with the idea for a tuesday afternoon tutu party. A party always a god idea. It would be a weekly event.
It was also intended that anyone wearing a tutu on tuesday be given a discount while shopping. The idea to encourage local business.
Newly elected Mayor Teri Johnston supported the idea. She issued some sort of proclamation to that effect. She has now withdrawn the proclamation.
Some objected to Tuesday Tutus. I am assuming complaints were made to members of the City Commission and/or Mayor Johnston. The Mayor withdrew the proclamation. The group pushing the tutu idea were viewed as some sort of business in effect. Our political leaders thought they should be required to be a non-profit or affiliated with some profit making business.
The City Commission capitulated. Mayor Johnston capitulated. Rush Limbaugh type comments took them down.
My suggestion to our local political leaders. Key West has significant and more important problems to deal with. Traffic being one. I cannot understand why the Commission waited 2 years for a traffic Master Plan.
Another, affordable housing. Taking down Mt. Rushmore to build housing thereon. The idea born in ignorance. Initial estimates suggested $70 million to $150 million merely to remove the mountain of buried garbage.
The small group who came up with the tutu tuesday idea should have been encouraged. Not discouraged. Simple should not be made difficult.
A good last night. At the Chart Room.
Don and Chris in town. Arrived yesterday from Syracuse. Visit 4 times a year.
Don recently recovered from hip replacement surgery. His work has him flying all over the world. Security has changed for him. No longer going through 1-2-3. Now has to go to a special security whatever and wait in line to be examined.
Chris lovely. I thought more lovely than ever. A new short hair-do.
We planed out meeting saturday for the Syracuse/Notre Dame game. We are fanatical Syracuse fans. Noon at Jack Flats.
Jean, Joe and Sheila at the round table. Sat with them a while. The best of Key West!
Next stop the Blue Macaw. A booming business last night! Appeared to be all tourists. Did not recognize any locals.
It was Terri’s night to sing. No Terri. Telephoned her and Donna. After 5 consecutive nights at the Little Room Jazz Club and an oncoming cold, Terri’s throat was beat up. I could hardly hear her speak.
I occasionally get into Key West ghost stories. One a couple of months ago involved the Hemingway House. Hemingway and one of his wives moving around at night. Could be seen through the upstair’s windows.
True or false? I don’t know. Would have liked to, however. So every night that I am returning home from Blue Macaw, I drive over Whitehead past the Hemingway House. Slow down and look up in anticipation of seeing Hemingway or his wife.
No more. Last night I almost had an accident. Did not see the car in front of me as I was looking up and back.
Came across a Hemingway quote: “For Whom the Bell Tolls was a problem which I carried each day. I knew what was going to happen in principle. But I invented what happened each day as I wrote.”
Interesting how the man wrote!
The David Wolkowsky estate sale this friday through sunday at his Flagler Street home. What excitement! Locals and tourists mentioning the event.
Today seems to be literary day. Into Herman Melville this morning, also.
Together with his masterpiece Moby-Dick.
Moby-Dick was required reading in high school. I struggled through the book. Never really understood it till years later when I reread it as an adult.
Melville shipped out this day in 1841 on the whaler Acushnet. Took him to the south seas. The trip providing the background for Moby-Dick.
He wrote the book in 1850. A commercial failure. Received only mixed reviews. It was years later before becoming recognized as a classical work.
Melville was a close fried of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Author of House of the Seven Gables. Another literary masterpiece imposed on me in my high school days.
Melville and Hawthorne were close friends. Lived in nearby towns. Hawthorne an influence on the younger Melville. Melville 15 years younger.
Melville tended to be easily excitable and erratic. Hawthorne an expert in calming him down.
Join me at 4 this afternoon on station 107.5 FM. I am guesting on Laurie Thibaud’s show Party With a Purpose.
Enjoy your day!
TUTU UPRISING was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 5 years ago
Remember that cold wintry day in January 2009 when a jet airliner put down on the Hudson River. One hundred fifty five persons aboard. All saved.
The pilot an instantaneous hero. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger.
During the Democratic primary battles, the world for the first time has become aware that Joe Biden has a stuttering problem. Took a long time to discover.
Some people are mean. Mock those who stutter or once did stutter. One of those is Trump’s daughter in law Lara, wife to Trump’s son Eric. On a national TV show, she made fun of Biden. Skillfully. Had to be planned. The word stuttering never used.
Her words directed at Biden were: “Joe can you get it out? Let’s get the words out Joe.”
Sully came to Biden’s defense. His words to Lara: “Stop. Grow up. Show some decency. People who can’t have no place in public life.”
Sully described the Biden attack as part of a “culture of cruelty.”
What compelled Sully to speak out? He stuttered as a child. He knew well how other children made fun of him and how difficult it was to overcome.
John Mulholland is the U.S. Editor of Guardian. Over the weekend he wrote,  “America is at a tipping point, finely balanced between truth and lies, hope and hate, cruelty and nastiness.”
So it is.
January 20 is Presidential inauguration day in the U.S. Every 4 years on January 20.
Kennedy was sworn in on this day in 1961. He was a “President.” Trump was sworn in 2017. He not a “President.”
Kennedy’s inaugural address left us with passages that will last forever. Especially, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”
I recall no memorable words in Trump’s address.
Comment is frequently made that at 38, Pete Buttigieg is too young to be President. If he were elected, he would be 39 years old at the time of his inauguration.
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Recalled by Americans for all the good he accomplished in the civil rights movement which lead to his death.
King was 39 years old when assassinated.
His age did not affect his work and leadership qualities. Buttigieg’s age will not affect his ability to lead.
One either has it or does not.
Age should not be an issue. He speaks well and is thoughtful. Trump in his 70’s when elected. A buffoon. Not intelligent. Knowing little.
A sensitive day ahead. In Virginia. A gun rights rally. Both sides will probably be present. Violence likely.
A sorry day.
One of Key West’s leading singers Terri White performs tonight at Dueling Bartenders. The former Broadway star is always at the top of her game.
I plan on being at Aqua to hear Terri.
A reminder. Lynn Frechette’s Aqua Idol opens its season wednesday. A not to be missed event.
Laurie Thibaud is emcee. Recall I did several Party Time radio shows with her several months ago. A talented woman.
Enjoy your day!
                                        SULLY SPEAKS….. was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 5 years ago
No question. It is a woman’s world. Men are from Mars, women from Venus does not apply. The reverse is correct. Women are from Mars. Tough!
My thought process re the issue began with today’s schedule for Womenfest.
So far, the gathering has been a success. It will be today also. Women know how to get things done. Has nothing to do with lesbianism. Has to do with the fact that ladies can get things done better than men. Period.
Big day for Womenfest. A drag brunch at the Aqua Sidebar from 11-3. The place will be pouring into the streets. That many ladies will be enjoying breakfast together.
At 3, Hot Dog Church. Laurie Thibaud bartending.
I have not attended for several weeks. The humidity too hot to sit outside. No men and few women attend. Summertime’s heat bothers those in town.
Today there will be more ladies at Hot Dog Church than the breakfast earlier. The ladies will be over flowing into the parking lot.
The ladies cook and bring dishes of this and that. All good!
I am not going. Too many ladies for me. Also, I will know few of them. A male in a lesbian setting is not necessarily welcome. The regulars know and accept me because of Donna and Terri. I am one of the few males who attend. I am the only straight male.
Love the girls! I have made many new local friends by reason of Hot Dog Church.
Another reason I will avoid the event is parking. It will be a disaster! I am not in the mood to walk several blocks, especially in the heavy humidity.
Which brings me to why I think women do a better job than men.
I practiced law for 46 years. Very few female lawyers when I entered the profession in 1960. Proving the point, there were only 2 female students in my law class.
Fifteen years later, things were different. The women were into everything. Not just the law.
I did not enjoy dealing with female opposing attorneys. They did not negotiate like men. Men had a way of talking to each other in a friendly manner and resolving a problem. Everything gentile.
Different with the ladies. They were by the book. Rarely smiled. Everything was 1, 2, 3. No fun, no laughter. All business.
Not only were they tough, they were smart.
It took me a coupe of years to adapt. It took the ladies a couple of years to ease off and treat a male opposing attorney as a friend. Friends can do business fairly and effectively. Both sides had to learn.
Now I look at the world. Women leaders of nations. Women active in business at the highest levels.
I believe men have screwed things up for centuries. Let’s give the ladies a shot. They can do no worse. I suspect they will do much better.
There was no joy in Louis’ house yesterday, Syracuse got the shit knocked out of them! Lost to Maryland 63-20.
I have no further comment.
Dorian is amazing. Heading towards Canada last night. Expected to increase to a category 3. Earlier in the day, it passed the coast of Maine. Winds 100 miles per hour.
I have never seen a hurricane such as Dorian. I pray we never see one again.
Oprah Winfrey. An amazing woman!
Her day time show went national. It became the highest rated talk show in U.S. history. By 2008, Oprah had 46 million viewers weekly.
Trump screws everything up. It is the nature of the man.
We find that a “secret” meeting involving Trump, the President of Afghanistan and the Taliban was to take place today at Camp David. The Afghan and Taliban representatives were to have flown in last night.
The Taliban apparently feared they did not have enough leverage to be successful at the meeting. They conducted a suicide bombing monday in Afghanistan. One last show of power. Eleven civilians and one U.S. service member were killed.
Trump cancelled the meeting. Because of the suicide bombing, Trump was uncertain whether the Taliban leaders could negotiate a “meaningful” peace agreement.
TV star Donald as usual wanted to make the peace result a dramatic showy Trump event.
He should never have conducted a meeting involving an issue of such magnitude in secret. Had the event planned been as a public one, I doubt the Taliban would have opted for a pre meeting suicide bombing.
Who knows? I may be wrong. However, I am sick and tired of Trump spoiling everything he touches.
Perhaps more patience is required. After all, the war is only 18 years old.
I am going to have a late breakfast at Harpoon Harry’s. Eggs benedict and hash browns. Followed by a walk along the waterfront.
Tonight, I don’t know.
Enjoy your Sunday!
A WOMAN’S WORLD was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
For the past several years, I have shared my concern about China growing and improving its military while the U.S. was doing relatively nothing in comparison.
If I have been correct, and I believe I was, now is the time when we may see China flexing its muscle.
The United States Study Center is a Think Tank at the University of Sydney in Australia. Its observation is China could quickly overwhelm the U.S. military in Asia. Such would result in an “unprecedented crisis.”
The Think Tank believes China’s overwhelming power would be evidenced “within hours.” The Think Tank’s report states, “China has deployed a formidable array of precision missiles and other counter-intervention systems to undercut America’s military primacy.”
What is, is. If our military prowess is now in second place, we should move our asses to do the necessary to get us back to #1. Last year, I wrote about a talk Xi had given. He said the U.S. may have spent a ton of money on military, but that money went to fight the little wars it has been involved in for many years. Not updating its war machinery. In the past 7 years, China has spent considerable monies improving its military might in every respect.
St. Mary of the Sea Catholic Church is part and parcel of Key West and its history. On this day in 1904, St. Mary’s was dedicated. A big deal! Bishop W. J. Kenny made the trip from St. Augustine.
I have been impressed with St. Mary’s over the years. In most parts of the U.S., Catholic Churches are closing. Catholics in those areas do not attend Church any longer. In Key West, they do. In droves. Impressive to see how packed St. Mary’s is on sunday.
This past week Trump spoke about blockading Venezuela again. An impossible effort. Though the President appears unaware. Take Cuba for example. A small island, easy to blockade. Venezuela on the other hand has a long shoreline. Impossible to successfully blockade. Trump would neither be aware nor understand such a fact.
Trump claims his concern for Venezuela is a humanitarian one. Don’t believe it! Yes, the people are starving. They have been starving for 7 years! Where was Trump even 2 years ago.
Trump’s real concern is oil. Venezuela has the largest reserve of oil in the world. Even Russia wants it. In fact, Russia already has men and planes on the ground in Venezuela.
Blockading Venezuela is as brilliant as wanting to buy Greenland.
Trump talks and acts like a bully. Inadvertently, he is going to get us into a war. I do not think he really wants one. However those advising him do. Like John Bolton. I would describe Bolton as desperate to start a war. For no other reason than to start a war.
Greece a present problem. The Iranian oil tanker sits in the water in the Middle East. The U.S. is preventing from it going anywhere.
This past week it was reported that Greece was going to permit it to dock in Greece. Trump went ballistic. Threatened Greece.
Greece had no such intention. It was John Bolton who did. Trump’s Pied Piper when it comes to war.
Trump extended an olive branch to China a few days ago.
Huawei is China’s second technical manufacturer. Biggest item manufactured i-phones.
Huawei gets the android parts it needs for the phones from U.S. manufacturers. Due to the tariff war, these manufacturers cannot sell the android parts to Huawei.
A few months ago when things looked like they were going to be kumbaya between the U.S. and China, Trump gave permission for American manufacturers to sell the android parts to China. The time to so do was extended to a date certain. That date will soon be reached.
Trump last week extended the time an additional 3 months.
Looks like an olive branch to me. Trump is aware he made a mistake with the China tariff situation. He seeks a way to get out of it. China is not being easy. They are making Trump squirm.
A big business in China is the replacement of body organs. China obtains them and sells them. Big dollars involved! Big cruelty, also!
The primary source of body parts comes from those jailed or in detention camps. A kidney here, an eye there.
A Chinese company has started whose goal is to produce body orgasns from pigs and other animals. Such would be specially grown. Modified.
The start up company is Qihan Biotech. It has raised $20 million. If successful, the growing of body organs from modified animals will transform medicine.
Last night, Dueling Bartenders. Rick Dery and Terri White performing.
Terri was my date for the evening. Donna is somewhere in the Caribbean on a cruise with a granddaughter.
The town is dead. Very off season. Meaning Aqua was dead last night, also. A mere handful of people.
Afterwards, Terri and I went to dinner at Antonia’s. Nicolle bartending.
We enjoyed ourselves!
Jean and Joe. No longer on a river cruise boat. May return to one later in the trip. Today they are traveling from Amsterdam to Bastogne. Bastogne is in Belgium. The scene of the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. They are traveling by train and then renting a car.
Jean is having trouble using her cell phone to send messages. I could have told her. The U.S. and European systems are totally incompatible. I learned this 12 years ago in Greece.
Jean, my cell phone would not work. However, my lap top did. That is how I was able to do my blog every day.
Yesterday, I mentioned Larry Smith and Christine Cordone were at Woodstock. Last night, I learned Terri White and Rick Dery were also.
I read a Facebook message yesterday sent by an Angela Reynolds. Words of wisdom. She said: “Never lose faith, maybe the woman of your life is not yet born.”
Makes sense. Don’t think it will work for me, however. I am 84!
Amy Culver had a note on Facebook. Said that in the last 2 days she has been in 2 stores where “they had Christmas decorations up. WTF.”
There is a buzz in Key West. Judy Collins will be performing. Still a long way off. February 17. At the Key West Theater.
One problem. Already sold out.
I remember Judy Collins from “Send In The Clowns.”
As Dueling Bartenders was closing down, Lauri Thibaud came in. I guested on her radio show one afternoon a week till I got sick.
I had not seen Lauri in a while. She looked drained. She broke her ankle. Car hit her while she was on her scooter. In typical Key West fashion, the car kept going. Never stopped.
Tonight, my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.
I rant and rave. Join me. The show is interesting.
Enjoy your day!
      THINK TANK: CHINA COULD QUICKLY OVERWHELM U.S. MILITARY IN ASIA was originally published on Key West Lou
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keywestlou · 6 years ago
Bad things happen.
One is female genital mutilation. A religious or geographical custom for hundreds of years. Generally in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Considered a rite of passage.
A young girl/lady has her clitoris cut and removed. Or, her vaginal opening narrowed. The reasons for this brutal experience then and now are sexual control and manageability of the victim.
Two hundred million girls and women have suffered from the procedure worldwide. The number excludes the U.S.
Female genital mutilation is cloaked in secrecy in the U.S. The suspicion is it is on the rise. Especially with immigrants arriving from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Many bring their customs with them.
Besides not wanting anyone to know, there is also the problem that the procedure is considered taboo. Those who have had their clitoris or vaginas mutilated are reluctant to come forward. The shame of it all.
In 2017, 2 Detroit doctors were charged with performing the procedure on 9 underage girls. Six mothers were also charged.
They were charged under a federal law passed in 1996 banning female genital mutilation. A Michigan federal judge dismissed the charges on the ground that the federal law overstepped its bounds. Such matters were solely within the purview of the states.
The U.S. Department of Justice refused to appeal. Note this case was decided after Trump took office. It was his Department of Justice that refused to appeal.
My research indicates no state has passed an anti-mutilation law.
Something may happen in the next few years. Groups are popping up all over the country. They generally are composed of women who have suffered such mutilations and know of the problem first hand.
One thing I have mentioned and written about in the past concerns immigrants and Sharia Law. Generally of the Muslim faith. They come to the U.S. for the better life. However, they want to bring their laws and customs with them. A no no. My position has always been if you want to live here, you live under U.S. laws, Not Sharia. If you don’t like it, return from whence you came!
I feel better. A thousand times better.
I have received many e-mails expressing happiness for my recovery. Interestingly, pancreatitis is a somewhat prevalent problem. Many of those who wrote had a friend who was similarly afflicted. Most required hospitalization. Intravenous feeding. Dehydration big time. One was hospitalized for a whole month.
Most of the e-mails agreed with what I had been told re cause. Alcohol and smoking.
I thank all who wrote for their concern and good wishes.
My podcast show last night. Tuesday a with Key West Lou. Dwelled on Trump’s London visit, Mueller’s report not finished properly, and the various countries the U.S. has tariff wars with at the present time or will be in the immediate future.
During the month I was under the weather, I had to skip the podcast one tuesday. The energy was not there. I also stopped guesting on Laurie Thibaud’s show. Too tired.
This is the day before. The day before D-Day.
Things were happening preparatory to actual invasion the next morning. One thousand British bombers dropped 5,000 tons of bombs on German guns at Normandy. Three thousand Allied ships loaded with troops and equipment were on their way across the English Channel.
Operation Overlord was on its way!
This day in 1919 a big one in the history of empowerment of women and recognition that they are co-equals with men. The U.S. Congress passed the 19th Amendment. The new Amendment had to be ratified by the States. Did not take long. The men knew they had been defeated.
Enjoy your day!
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